Those heading makai will be able to drive through the construction area, located at the intersection of Piikea Ave. and Liloa Drive, however mauka bound traffic will be stopped near Stella Blues restaurant on the South Kihei Road side of Piikea.
Also, there will be no right or left turn allowed from Piikea although motorists can access nearby residential and shopping areas via side streets.
Maui Bus riders should also be aware that affected buses will be re-routed during construction. Southbound Kihei Islander and Kihei Villager buses will turn up East Waipuilani Road, the right onto Liloa Drive. The Piikea Avenue bus stop on the south side of the street will not be in service while construction is on-going.
Construction is expected to last four to six weeks. Questions about the project can be directed to the Department of Public Works at 270-7845. Questions about Kihei bus service can be directed to the Department of Transportation at 270-7511.