(Honolulu)— Haunted Stadium is a frightfully exhilarating experience full of Halloween themed adventure inside the hospitality room at Aloha Stadium. The Haunted Stadium experience brings together a chilling maze of terror designed with teens and adults in mind. The halls and rooms of this attraction are infected with the living dead, ghosts, and flesh-eating psychos that bring fear and screams to the guests.
The maze features zombies and ghosts crawling through out the labyrinth looking to surprise those there for a chilling jolt. The make-up and costumes of the actors is very professional and altogether these factors enhance the encounters with fright fans. “I really like coming to this maze because it is really scary and every year it keeps on getting better,” said Wayne Higa.
This hair-raising, interactive attraction also brings awareness to a positive cause as organizers have pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds from the Haunted Stadium ticket sales to the Hawaii Meth Project. “We are just really grateful and honored to be a part of this effort. Primarily most of the funding we receive goes straight into community programs that consist of presentations at schools and empowering our teens in Hawaii to say no to Meth,” explained Georgianna DeCosta, Senior Program Manager at Hawaii Meth Project.
Haunted Stadium takes fans on an adrenaline ride where screams, cries for help and sudden apparitions are many and often. The audio and lighting along the haunted maze sets the mood for fans to have a scary-fun time and be at the mercy of the living dead and other monsters along the experience. For ticket information and times visit http://www.hawaiihauntedstadium.com/. For more information about the Hawaii Meth Project go to www.HawaiiMethProject.org