Kahu Poki Battad, Parks and Recreation Deputy Director Ian Costa, Councilman Tim Bynum and Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. pose for a photo at the blessing that marked the completion of the Lydgate Park improvements project.
By Staff Reports
(WAILUA) – A blessing was held to mark the completion of the Lydgate Beach Park refurbishment project.
The $685,000 renovation included major improvements to the large comfort stations next to the lifeguard tower and at the southern end of the beach park as well as the one located at the campgrounds.
In addition, all of the small pavilions were demolished and replaced, while upgrades were made to the ceiling, lighting, and floor in the main pavilion.
The rinse showers located throughout the park were also replaced.
“I am very pleased that this project was completed at the start of summer so many of our families can enjoy the newly refurbished park,” said Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. “Lydgate and Po’ipū are part of our ‘Super Parks’ initiative. The goal is to upgrade the buildings and make them more energy efficient, able to withstand harsh elements as well as aesthetically pleasing.”

Clayton Cataluna (Lt foreground), working foreman at Lydgate Park, Robert Aki (Rt. Foreground), Lydgate Park caretaker, along with their co-workers (Back facing camera-Sonny Ibaan;
Left facing camera-Angelino Pegeder Sr.; and Right facing camera-Abraham Kahalekomo Jr.) enjoy the pupus provided by the contractor Pacific Blue Construction following the blessing of the Lydgate Park improvements project.
Further enhancements are planned for Lydgate Park including replacing the shingles on the main pavilion and the waterlines throughout the park.
Councilman Tim Bynum who attended the blessing acknowledged the Parks staff for their role in the Lydgate project.
“I’d like to thank our Parks and Recreation team for putting a shine on Lydgate Beach Park,” said Bynum. “This project is the first of many that’s planned this year so we can all look forward to more great things for our parks.”
During his inaugural speech titled Holo Holo 2020, Mayor Carvalho spoke about his vision for Kaua’i in the year 2020 that includes creating super parks at Lydgate and Po’ipū beach parks with others to follow.
The parks initiative is one of 38 projects that are part of the mayor’s Holo Holo 2020 vision for Kaua’i, which calls for all organizations, businesses, residents and visitors on Kaua’i to be part of creating an island that is sustainable, values the native culture, has a thriving and healthy economy, cares for all – keiki to kupuna, and has a responsible and user-friendly local government.
To see the complete list of Holo Holo 2020 projects, please go to the county website, www.kauai.gov.

Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. acknowledges everyone involved in the Lydgate Park improvements project and expresses excitement about families being able to enjoy the new improvements as well as future enhancements.