By Staff Reports
(North Shore)- The Kinimaka family goes back 17 generations in Hawaii, including a time when Hawaii was ruled by its own monarchy and Leleo’s namesake was commander of Kind David Kalakaua’s Guard. Leleo is a fantastic modern day example of living Hawaiian culture, tradition and heritage and perpetuation of true aloha. His story includes that of his father, raised by famous waterman Duke Kahanamoku and Captain of the original Waikiki Beachboys; a life surrounded by the ocean, music and hula; and his perpetuation of the Hawaiian culture and story today through the beautiful wooden paddles and surfboards he traditionally crafts by hand. This is the rare opportunity to re-connect with the real Hawaii of old.
Come and Talk Story tonight, July 17 at 8pm with Leleo Kinimaka, door donation of $5 will be given to Na Kama Kai. Na Kama Kai’s (Children of the Sea) mission is to empower youth by creating, conducting and supporting ocean-based programs. After the Talk Story series stay and enjoy live music by Josh Sharp from 9:15-10pm. Located at Turtle Bay Resort. Open 7 days a week. Visit to learn more.