(from L-R) Council member Nadine Nakamura; Council Vice Chair JoAnn Yukimura; State Farm Insurance Agent Darrellyn Lemke; and Kahu Jade Battad watch as Fire Fighter Curtis Langstaff demonstrates the various features of the new fire safety trailer.
By Staff Reports
(Kauai)– The Kaua’i Fire Department held a blessing ceremony for its new Fire Safety and Educational Trailer at the Historic County Building.
Fire Chief Robert Westerman and Deputy Chief John Blalock welcomed guests, including Senator Ron Kouchi, Representative Dee Morikawa and Council members Dickie Chang, Jay Furfaro, Nadine Nakamura and JoAnn Yukimura.
Following Kahu Jade Battad’s pule, Council Vice Chair Yukimura thanked the Kaua’i Fire Department for its dedication to fire prevention and educational outreach.
“On behalf of Chair Furfaro and the rest of the County Council, we want you to know that we appreciate the work that goes into expanding your safety and prevention programs,” stated Vice Chair Yukimura. “Fire safety programs created one of the most successful messaging campaigns with teaching children to ‘Stop, Drop, and Roll’ and those efforts have continued to save lives. It’s very important work that you do and we thank you.”

Guests and fire fighters join Kahu Jade Battad (left standing) and Chief Robert Westerman (right standing) in a blessing for the safety trailer.
The mobile trailer will become a critical component of the Fire Prevention Bureau’s community outreach and fire safety and prevention program.
“This trailer will allow people to experience a mock fire in a safe and controlled environment,” says Fire Prevention Bureau Captain Daryl Date. “It will teach them exactly what to do during a house fire – from calling 911 and properly using a fire extinguisher, to knowing when and how to escape.”
The inside of the trailer is modeled after a home, complete with a kitchen and child’s bedroom. Various parts of the “home” can ignite with digital flames and smoke, simulating an intense fire emergency that challenges trainees on how to properly respond.
The trailer is also equipped with a sprinkler room to demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of a home sprinkler system, and its ability buy occupants time to get out of the home safely.
Fire Chief Westerman recognized his firefighters for working diligently to obtain the grant that helped to purchase the trailer, stating that it took three attempts at applying for the grant before the application was approved.
The 30-foot mobile trailer was obtained through a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) program grant, which contributed 80% of the $130,000 total cost. It was procured through BullEx, a company that specializes in fire safety products and trainings.
The Kaua’i Fire Department would especially like to thank All State Insurance, State Farm Insurance and Pioneer Seed Company. The companies’ donations offset the county’s share of the total cost, and representatives from each organization attended today’s ceremony.
“Our mission is to save lives and property not just through fighting fires, but by preventing them through education and outreach,” said Chief Westerman. “This trailer will help us immensely in achieving that goal. With this safety trailer we can take our prevention message one step further. Now, instead of just telling people how to mitigate the danger during a house fire, they’re doing it!”
The Fire Prevention Bureau will be taking the fire safety trailer to community events across the island. To request to have the trailer at your school, community-based organization or event, contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 241-4985.

Battalion Chief Shawn Hosaka watches as smoke rises from the safety trailer’s bedroom floor, simulating how quickly smoke can fill a room during a real house fire.