By Staff Reports
(Maui) – Representatives from the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED) recently returned from Goyang, South Korea after winning accolades at the Goyang International Horticulture Show 2014 in Goyang City, South Korea. Approximately 1 million people attended the three-week long show in Goyang, which is an official Maui County Sister City.
The Maui County booth received one of the top awards, the Prime Minister’s Trophy. When Maui’s representatives learned that the award came with a $1,000 check, Mayor Alan Arakawa requested that arrangements be made to donate the award to relief fund for the victims of the recent South Korean ferry tragedy.
“The ferry accident was unfolding just as we arrived in South Korea,” Mayor Arakawa said. “The people were stricken with unimaginable grief, and our hearts go out to all the families involved in this tragedy.”

Mayor and Mrs. Arakawa join Goyang Mayor Choi Sung in admiring the Silversword plant and the County’s award-winning booth.
A ceremony was held in the offices of the Goyang City government in which Teena Rasmussen, Director of OED, and Jeremiah Savage, international liaison, presented the $1,000 check to Mr. Yoon Seong Seon, a representative of the Mayor of Goyang.
The news releases in Goyang City after the ceremony highlighted the heartfelt gesture from Goyang’s sister city, and that Maui County was the only participant in the International Horticulture Show to pay tribute to the ferry victims.
Maui County’s award-winning booth in the horticulture show featured Maui-grown tropical flowers, a large photo collage of Haleakala National Park, Maui’s Iao Valley and Maui beaches, along with a Silversword plant from Haleakala Crater, which was secured through federal permits from U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. The booth was staffed by five members of Tihati Hula Halau; Sherry Duong, a representative from Maui Visitor’s Bureau; Haleakala National Park ranger Stephen Anderson; and OED Agriculture Specialist Kenneth Yamamura. Jeremiah Savage assisted with logistics and flower designer Asa Ige did the booth design and set-up.
“Maui County produced a first-class booth, and brought the aloha spirit to the people of South Korea,” OED Director Rasmussen said. “I am very proud of our efforts and very grateful to all who had a hand in our success. We have definitely elevated the Maui brand in this part of Asia.”

Mayor and Mrs. Arakawa join Goyang Mayor Choi Sung in admiring the Silversword plant and the County’s award-winning booth.