(KEKAHA)- – The Kekaha Host Community Benefits Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) seeks applicants for the position of facilitator, to support the work of the CAC from February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2013.
Under the contract, the successful candidate will receive compensation in the amount of $5,000 per month. The scope of services shall include the following duties:
- Maintaining the kekahahcb.net website
- Conducting an orientation session with the CAC and providing an orientation for any new members of the CAC
- Planning, supporting and providing minutes for monthly CAC meetings
- Maintaining open communication with the County and HCB grantees, and providing reports on grant status and other pertinent matters at CAC meetings
- Planning, facilitating and providing minutes for up to four (4) community workshop to support the “request for proposals” process and provide information and support for grant writers
- Publicizing meetings and other pertinent CAC information as needed throughout the duration of the contract
- Working with the County to receive grant proposals by the deadline and send copies out to the CAC for review
- Working with the CAC at regular monthly meetings to review, evaluate and make decisions on proposals to recommend
- Conducting research and preparing reports as requested by the CAC
- Providing a final report to the Mayor on recommendations from the CAC
History and background on the Kekaha Host Community Benefits program and the work of the CAC can be found at: www.kauai.gov/hcb, and at www.kekahahcb.net.
Interested applicants should submit their resumes electronically to btokioka@kauai.gov, using a subject line: Kekaha HCB Resume. Resumes should include pertinent facilitation experience, and at least two professional references.
Applicants will be interviewed at a publicly noticed CAC meeting in early January 2013. Questions may be referred to Beth Tokioka: (808) 241-4913 or btokioka@kauai.gov