Photo L-R: Nadine Nakamura, Theresa Koki, Ross Kagawa, Janece Yatsko, Cassie Camara, Laurie Yoshida, Helen Percival, Mayor Carvalho
By Staff Reports
(LĪHU‘E)– Every year hundreds of graduating seniors spend graduation night in a safe, alcohol- and drug-free environment, thanks to the support of the Department of Education, parents, volunteers, local business and community groups.
“Project Graduation is critically important to insure that our graduates enjoy the most important night of their lives and return home safely the next morning” stated Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr. “The County is proud to support the monumental efforts of our ‘Project Grad’ committees by providing grant funds to help defray the costs.”
The Mayor, along with Councilmember Ross Kagawa and Life’s Choices Kaua‘i Coordinator Theresa Koki, presented checks today for $2,000 each to the Project Graduation committees for Kapa‘a, Kaua‘i and Waimea High Schools.
Project Graduation has been offered at Kauai’s public high schools for a number of years. Immediately following commencement ceremonies, graduates who sign up are loaded into buses and transported to their respective Project Graduation site, where they will remain until 6:00 a.m. the following morning. During the event, chaperones oversee numerous activities, live entertainment is offered, and refreshments are provided.
“For over 20 years, parent volunteers and community members have organized Project Graduation for our graduating seniors,” said Kaua‘i Complex Area Superintendent Bill Arakaki. “The donation will truly benefit Project Grad and most of all keep our graduates safe and save lives. It is a night to celebrate their accomplishments from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and look toward the future as they embark on their journey to college and careers.”
Councilmember Ross Kagawa stated, “I hope this is the beginning of a long partnership and that the County will continue to support this program. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the many volunteers who make it happen.”
The annual cost of Project Graduation runs roughly $30,000 to $40,000 per school. In addition to cash donations, many business offer goods and services or volunteer for the events.
Donations for all three events are still being accepted. The committees are also in need of additional volunteers and sponsors to cover the admission fee for needy students. Contact information for the three committees are as follows:
Kapa‘a High School: Cassie Camara, 652-6316, kwarriors_pg@ymail.com
Kaua‘i High School: Laurie Yoshida, 652-4101 or email laurieyoshida@gmail.com
Waimea High School: Anna Henriques, annahenriques_10@msn.com