Ten kupuna who were nominated for Kaua‘i’s Outstanding Older American awards will be honored at the 48th annual Older American Recognition Ceremony next month. The nominees are pictured with Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. From L to R: Deloros Kaauwai; Asako Iwamoto; Yukie Okino; JoAnne Machin; Aida Rajel; Marilyn Matsumoto; Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr.; Roy Miyashiro; Robert Sims; Florentina Moreno and Loren Johnson.
By Staff Reports
(LĪHU‘E) – Every May, communities across the country show their gratitude for the countless contributions and sacrifices made by older adults that ensure a better life for future generations.
This year, 10 Kaua‘i kupuna, who were nominated for the Outstanding Older Americans awards, will be honored next month at the 48th annual Older American Recognition Ceremony.
The event will be held on Thursday, May 8 at the Kaua‘i Beach Resort starting at 9:30 a.m. with a luncheon to follow.
Among the honorees are: Asako Iwamoto; Loren Johnson; Deloros Kaauwai; Roy Miyashiro; JoAnne Machin; Marilyn Matsumoto; Florentina Moreno; Yukie Okino; Aida Rajel and Robert Sims.
The public is invited to attend the ceremony. Those who wish to stay for lunch will need to purchase a ticket. The price is $37 per person.
The theme for this year’s Older Americans Month is “Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow”.
“While the Agency on Elderly Affairs provides services, support and resources for older adults year-round, Older Americans Month offers us an opportunity to provide specialized information and services,” said Kealoha Takahashi, executive on aging. “With an emphasis on safety, we encourage our seniors to learn about the variety of ways they can avoid injury and remain active and independent for as long as possible.”
If you would like to request an ASL interpreter, materials in an alternate format or other auxiliary aid, please contact Charlyn Nakamine at 241-4476 or cnakamine@kauai.gov at least seven days prior to the event.
To purchase a luncheon ticket, call 241-4470 by April 28.