By Staff Reports
(KILAUEA) – The Department of Water (DOW) held a blessing ceremony, July 1, to mark the start of construction for the Kolo Road Main Replacement project.
The state-funded project will replace aging infrastructure in the Kilauea water system and help to improve fire protection at Kilauea Elementary School.
“Thank you to our state legislative team for the $1.3 million appropriation for design and construction. It allows the DOW to fund a new waterline here in Kilauea for the first time in a decade,” said DOW’s Construction Project Management Officer Dustin Moises. “Although it is a project small in scope, it will have a big impact to the Kilauea Elementary School and community once completed. So the DOW is happy to be at this point of construction and to soon provide the improvements needed to the area.”

DOW Waterworks Inspector Alfred Levinthol unties the maile lei to complete the blessing of the Kolo Road Main Replacement project. The project is scheduled to start July 6.
Construction will include furnishing and materials for the installation of 1,181 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron pipe, 58 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron pipe and 54 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron pipe. It also includes the installation of new valves, hydrants, service laterals, meter boxes, air valves, permanent cleanouts, valve boxes and connections to existing water lines.
The blessing ceremony was attended by DOW staff, contractor Earthworks Pacific, Inc., Ian Costa on behalf of Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr., State Representative Derek Kawakami, Kilauea Elementary School’s office administration and Reverend Jade Battad who officiated the blessing.
The Kolo Road Main Replacement project is part of the DOW’s Water Plan 2020, a comprehensive long-range plan that addresses the need to upgrade deteriorating and aging infrastructures on Kauai. The project is scheduled to begin on July 6, with anticipated completion by January 2016. Notices were delivered to neighboring residents in June.
For more information please call the Department of Water at 245-5455.